I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing

Our oldest two will be 23 and 21 this summer. Our 15 year old got her learner’s permit yesterday. We just found out that our 13 year old AND our 12 year old will be getting braces. And today our one (almost 2) year old figured out that she can reach things on the edge of the kitchen counter.

Life is moving quickly in our household. With so many of us, it often does. Sometimes I get so busy that I forget to take a step back and take it all in. They are growing up so fast. With every stage they move into I seem to miss the previous one, when they were just a bit smaller, just a little more dependent on me.

But I’ve learned that looking back is no way to live. Because then I miss the stages they’re in now. And before I know it these stages will be over too. So I choose to live in the moment, enjoying every stage, every step. Because I can’t keep them little. All I can do is be grateful that I get to watch them grow. I get to marvel in the wonder of it and be amazed at what they can do. And let go a little more each time they grow into the next stage life has for them.

And take lots of pictures.



“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

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